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Lost Circus Game

Lost Circus is a game I worked on for four months with a team of 10 other devs. I took on the role of art ambassador, working with my team to make sure we had a consistent style. I designed the toys and player character, as well as several enemies designs. I also did UV unwrapping and texturing for all the characters in the game. I contributed UI design and art assets for both the in game UI and menus. The game can be checked out on our itch page, which I also worked on here:
Other artists on the team can be found here:

Character concepting

Character concepting

UI design and art assets

UI design and art assets

Environment textures for walls and floors

Environment textures for walls and floors

Player textures

Player textures

Don-Key textures

Don-Key textures

Automatiger textures

Automatiger textures

Naviseal textures

Naviseal textures

Boxy Bear textures

Boxy Bear textures

Miskreyant textures

Miskreyant textures

Vehicruel textures

Vehicruel textures

Pinnipest textures

Pinnipest textures

Maclawbre textures

Maclawbre textures